The teacher training project began today! As we expected, there were 120 teachers to be trained. There were a number of other teachers who sat in out of curiosity.
As you can see, this year’s color is orange. For the first week, only we trainers will wear the orange shirts. Beginning next week, there will be 140 students joining us in orange.
The camp got off to a good start. There were some opening comments by Mr. Wang, deputy secretary of education for Zhuhai City. I offered a response. Jeff S. and I each presented mini-lectures – probably boring. Valerie took the lead for the rest of the day, and each of the eight trainers was up front at least once during the day.
The Chinese teachers guessed that Adam D. had been teaching for 19 years. That was funny!
We have had some initial opportunities for meaningful interaction with teachers. Lots of interesting questions – and it’s only the first day.
It was a good start to this year’s training.